Nightdrifters Series

In these blogposts about my photographic series I am writing about their origination. How an idea or a basic concept evolved into the actual realization of a project. And of course like with all creativity, my insights are growing organically in time and along the further development of my work. So as much as the work itself, these insights are a snapshot in time.

Nightdrifters is my first attempt to break out of the habit of predominantly being an observer. It is an attempt to connect with my photographic subjects. Not in the most literal sense of getting acquainted or getting all conversational, but to step into their bubble. Either by getting physically closer or by metaphorically stepping into their mind, to capture them in moments of intimacy.

For this reason I used a 50mm instead of my normal 35mm lens, to enhance this sense of closeness. Also I allowed the focus to be off sometimes to focus more on enhancing the atmosphere in a scene scene than to simply capture it realistically.

Jean-Pierre Damen urban and street photography - 12_L1008673-2.jpg
Jean-Pierre Damen urban and street photography - 02_L1000002.jpg
Jean-Pierre Damen urban and street photography - 08_L1004667.jpg

This series I recently closed. But I am always working on new material with the same theme or closely related.

Posted in: series